Quality of Life

无与伦比的生活质量  Unmatched Quality of Life


通过融合现代化的发展和便利的设施,乡村的魅力和无与伦比的美丽 荷顿山市实现了城市与乡村生活的完美平衡。<The Town strikes a perfect balance between urban and rural life, with a combination of modern development and amenities, country charm and unmatched beauty.>

我们享受着秀丽的乡村风光,健康的自然环境和文化遗产。<The Town boasts a spectacular countryside, healthy natural environment and cultural heritage.>

荷顿山市提供的生活方式将吸引并留住您最大的人力财富。<Halton Hills offers an attractive lifestyle to recruit and retain high quality employees. >



官方正式计划  Halton Hills in the Official Plan document.

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